Is Pope Francis A Nonconformist? First Jesuit Pope In History Offers New Direction For Papal Traditions In 2013, Refuses Vatican State Car, Pays Hotel Bill [PHOTO]

Pope Francis showed signs he may be a nonconformist, departing from several time honored papal tradition's in his first day.

The Catholic Church's 2013 selection for pope, Jorge Bergoglio didn't wait long to depart from papal tradition.

Minutes after the famous white smoke coming from the Vatican chimney signified a new pope in 2013 on Wednesday, Bergoglio, stepped out on the balcony to meet the throngs of followers assembled in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City to announce he was to be Pope Francis.

In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis, the first pope in the history of the Catholic Church to be a Jesuit, asked the crowd of 150,000 to pray for him.

"Let us say this prayer, your prayer for me, in silence," Pope Francis told the euphoric crowd, according to CNN

The new pope also made history at the 2013 papal announcement ceremony by refusing to stand on a platform lifting him above the cardinals when he was announced as Pope Francis.

"He said 'I'll stay down here,'" Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York and the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said. "He met each of us on our own level."

Yet not everyone in the Catholic Church viewed the new pope's nontraditional behavior positively.

"We have a pope who probably upset some people tonight by not following the formula," said Vatican spokesman Rev. Tom Rosica.

On Thursday, Pope Francis had his first official day as the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.

The 78-year-old new pope shocked Vatican officials when he asked his driver to make an unplanned stop at the Casa del Clero, a residence for priests in Bergamo, Italy, where the new pope had been staying earlier in 2013, so that he could pay his bill, according to the Washington Post.

The new pope paid his outstanding rent "to give a good example," said chief spokesman for the Vatican, Rev. Federico Lombardi.

Once Pope Francis made it to where his driver was supposed to take him, the Roman Basilica of St. Mary Major for an early morning press conference, the pope again demonstrated a new style for 2013 by refusing his official Vatican state car instead riding back to his Santa Marta residence in a van with the other cardinals.

Jorge Bergoglio is not just the first Jesuit in history to become pope; he is also the first pope to be from a Latin American country and the first pope from a non-European country in over a thousand years.

"We'll get used to a new way of doing things," Rosica said.

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