Matt Lauer, Anderson Cooper Facing Off Over Who WIll Take Over For Alec Trebec On 'Jeopardy': Who Will Win The Battle Of The Would-Be Game Show Hosts?

Matt Lauer and Anderson Cooper: who do you think would make a better "Jeopardy" host?

A source told the New York Post Thursday that Matt Lauer and Anderson Cooper are facing off over who will take over for longtime "Jeopardy" host Alex Trebec. 

The winner of the battle of the would-be game show hosts, will replace Trebec in 2016, after a 30-year run.

Lauer has been a co-anchor with "Today" on NBC since 1997.

Cooper has hosted "Anderson Cooper Live 360" on CNN since 2003.

The Post reported that the "Today" show has fallen to number two in the network morning shows' ratings race, behind ABC's "Good Morning America."

Lauer, 55, took some heat during the messy departure of former "Today" show of Ann Curry last summer. Curry famously broke down on the air.

Lauer was criticized for not being more supportive of his former co-anchor.

The Post reported that Matt is not expected to re-sign with "Today" when his $25-million-a-year contract expires in 2015.

Anderson, who is 45, is also reportedly is interested in that job.

Alec Trebec, who first started hosting "Jeopardy" in 1984, suffered his second heart attack last summer, but promised to stick around for a few more years.

"Yes, I have been thinking of retiring," Trebek told Chris Wallace in an interview last year. "But I'm torn because I enjoy doing the show so much. A lot of people have been telling me, 'Alex you've got to go for at least 30. You've just done 28. Now at least do two more.' So that has a nice ring to it. Put in your 30 and go help people."

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