Miley Cyrus Ring Mystery Revealed: Singer Explains Why She Wasn't Wearing The Engagement Ring Liam Hemsworth Gave Her [PHOTO]

Miley Cyrus raised eyebrows last week when she was photographed without her engagement ring; causing some fans to wonder if she had split with her fiancé, "Hunger Games" star Liam Hemsworth.

Cyrus denied the breakup rumors, taking to Twitter on Thursday to explain, in a roundabout way, the reason for the ring's disappearance, in a tweet that has apparently since been taken down.

When Miley's backup singer Linsdey Lee wrote "had to send off my engagement ring today to get of the little diamonds fell out...I feel naked without it :( so sad!" Cyrus responded with a gripe of her own.

"Ugh that's the worst!" Miley tweeted. "I just had a similar situation, except when it happens to me then everyone says my wedding is off."

"OMG that sucks!" Lee replied. "People just need to mind their own business. I saw first hand how happy u & Liam are don't let them get to u!"

Yet a source told E!News recently things "have been rocky" between Miley and Liam, the network reported on Friday. The couple is reportedly "not giving up."

Evan Rachel Wood wrote an anti-paparazzi rant that she linked to Twitter on Thursday, that Cyrus retweeted later that day.

"The fact that we live in a world which condones the stripping of basic human rights (dignity, privacy, etc.) of people because of their status, is very sad to me," read the Woods rant. "We need to have higher standards for ourselves as people and a society. Please remember that before you pick up a tabloid."

"I love Evan Rachel Wood," Cyrus tweeted back. "Thank you for always speakin the truth."

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Miley Cyrus
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