Pope Francis Calls For A More Austere Church, “It Should Be Poor And For The Poor” He Says

Pope Francis made his first Sunday appearance at the Vatican window overlooking Saint Peter's Square. In his off the cuff speech he called for a more austere Catholic Church saying the church should be poor and for the poor.

Always smiling Pope Francis spoke to the people in Saint Peter's square not from a pre-written speech but from the heart. Speaking only in Italian the Pontiff addressed more than 150,000 faithful.

 "Oh how I would like a poor church and a church for the poor," Francis told the people in the square. The Pope chose to name himself after Saint Francis of Assisi a man who symbolizes poverty and charity towards the poor.

Pope Francis was not forthcoming about how he plans to make the church poor or give further aid to those in need.

The new Pope is not unaware that he has inherited a Church rife with scandal and intrigue.

Pope Francis thanked the journalists who covered his election and asked the media to "always try to better understand the true nature of the Church, and even its journey in the world, with its virtues and with its sins."

He asked all journalists to "seek truth, goodness and beauty in the world and the church."

Having spent only 5-days sitting in the Chair of Saint Peter Pope Francis has gained a reputation for being straightforward and spontaneous.

Early Sunday morning the Pope made an impromptu public appearance at a side gate of the Vatican. He addressed the public with a 6-minute homely and listened to the cheers of passers by he then held mass in St. Anna's Church and shook the hands of parishioners as they left the church.

After mass Pope Francis took to the street outside Saint Anna's and spoke with the people. People were touching the Pope's shoulders and a child even patted him on the back, a sign of how informal this Papacy is becoming.

Pope Francis turned to the little boy and asked, "Are you a good boy?" The child nodded yes, to which the Pope replied, "Are you sure?"

The new Pope is not without his critics. There are some who say while he was in Argentina he ignored the human rights issues going on in his country while it was under a dictatorship. They say he did not offer any protection to priests who were standing up to challenge the government.

Pope Francis sent out his first Tweet saying, "Dear Friends, I thank you from my heart and I ask you to continue to pray for me."

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