Daughter’s Obit For Father Harry Stamps Goes Viral

The loss of a parent can be difficult to overcome, but the daughter of the deceased Mississippi man Harry Stamps used the old adage laughter is the best medicine when she wrote on obituary for her father that has gone viral.

Harry Stamps died on March 9, 2013. He was not a famous man, and did not make any sort of life altering contribution to mankind he was just a sociology professor at Gulf Coast Community College who loved his family.

It was not his life's achievements that caused his obituary to go viral. It was the underline tone of sarcasm and humor that his daughter uses to make the initial death announcement and to describe her father.

The obituary begins, "Harry Weathersby Stamps, ladies' man, foodie, natty dresser, and accomplished traveler, died on Saturday, March 9, 2013."

It continues with, "The women in his life were numerous. He particularly fancied smart women...One of his regrets was not seeing his girl Hilary Clinton elected President."

Most fathers and daughters have typical fights over wardrobe. Dads will say to their girls "You're not leaving my house dressed like that!" While daughters usually fire back with a witty retort about their father's lack of fashion sense and Harry Stamps' daughter is no exception.

She comments on her father's fashion sense, "Harry took fashion cues from no one. His signature every day look was all his: plain pocketed T-shirt designed by the fashion house Fruit of the Loom, his black-label elastic waist shorts worn above the navel and sold exclusively at the Sam's on Highway 49, and a pair of old school Wallabees (who can even remember where he got those?) that were always paired with a grass-stained MSU baseball cap."

Stamps daughter wraps up the obituary saying, "Because of his irrational fear that his family would throw him a golf-themed funeral despite his hatred for the sport, his family will hold a private family only service free of any type of theme...Finally the family asks that in honor of Harry that you write your congressman and ask for the repeal of Day Light Savings Time. Harry wanted everyone to get back on the Lord's time."

The now viral obit has over 15,000 Facebook likes and gained the title "best obituary ever."

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