Iran Launches Warship Destroyer In Caspian Sea; Jamaran-2 Will Join Iran's Growing Navy After Testing

Iran President Mahmud Ahmadinejad launches and christens the newest addition to Iran's Navy, the Jamaran-2, a domestically built destroyer.

In a ceremony to launch the ship President Ahmadinejad said, "The destroyer is there to meet those who want to jeopardize the security of surrounding nations."

Iran launched the country's first destroyer in February of 2010, the Jamaran-1, in the Persian Gulf.

The nations that surround the Caspian Sea, Russia; Iran; Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, have an ongoing dispute about how the inland sea should be divided.

Four of the surrounding nations excluding Iran want to divide the territory based on mutual packs. This would leave Iran with only 12-percent of the resources.  Iran hopes to share the resources the Caspian Sea has to offer equally with the four other countries.

The Jamaran-2 destroyer will join  the rest of Iran's navy within the next six months, after it has under gone more tests.

Press TV reported that the 1,420-ton destroyer is equipped with a 20,000 horsepower engine, helicopter pads, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles as well as an artillery and torpedo system.

Iran has been building a self sufficient military since 1992. The country is armed with fighter jets, tanks, missiles and submarines.

President Ahmadinejad says, "The west has learned from Iran's technical expertise [and] that the country's nuclear capabilities cannot be eliminated."

Israel and the United States should feel the most threatened by an Iran with nuclear launch capabilities. Neither country has ruled out a military strike on Iran if necessary.

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