Cheney Eyed Iraq Oil In Pushing For War In Iraq, Ousting Hussein Regime; Docs Confirm Research On Iraqi Oil Fields Pre-War

Evidence recently was revealed suggesting that Cheney eyed Iraq oil, and that was the reason behind Dick Cheney's push for war in Iraq.

An article written by Bush administration speechwriter David Frum in Newsweek suggests that Dick Cheney eyed Iraq oil and sought war in Iraq to gain control of the Middle Eastern nation's oil resources.

Frum wrote, "I was less impressed by Chalabi than were some others in the Bush administration. However, since one of those 'others' was Vice President Cheney, it didn't matter what I thought. In 2002, Chalabi joined the annual summer retreat of the American Enterprise Institute near Vail, Colorado."

"He and Cheney spent long hours together, contemplating the possibilities of a Western-oriented Iraq: an additional source of oil, an alternative to U.S. dependency on an unstable-looking Saudi Arabia," Frum continued.  

Chalabi is an Iraqi politician and former oil minister. He is also known as the person who provided false information to the U.S. Government claiming Saddam Hussein had hidden weapons of mass destruction.

Frum began his expose by describing the prevalent attitudes in Washington in 2001, right after the attacks of September 11. He explains that he and his family had prepared an emergency kit, as Homeland Security advisors warned of car bombings at strategic intersections, assassinations of officials, and potential biological weapons attacks.

The anxieties, Frum explained, sound overdramatic, but exemplify the atmosphere at the U.S. capital after President Bush announced the launch of the Iraq War.

But the article then casts doubt on the rationale for the war being 'terrorism' and the potential for further attacks on U.S. soil.

The Bush Administration quickly moved from addressing the Iraq War as a decision to be made in the far future to a foregone conclusion. There was allegedly no debate on going to war, no immediate crisis and no self-questioning.

It seems that much of the negotiation and decision making about war in Iraq had gone on behind closed doors.

Frum revealed that a strong motivating factor for the war was probably Cheney's eyeing of Iraq's oil reserves.

Since 2006, Frum claims Iraq has stabilized and its oil production has increased. In 2012, Iraq reportedly produced more oil than in any year since before the Gulf War, and it now numbers among the top 5 oil exporters.

In addition, Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, obtained Commerce Department papers from the Cheney energy task force that included a detailed map of Iraq's oil fields, terminals and pipelines, as well as a list titled "Foreign Suitors of Iraqi Oilfield Contracts."

The papers also included maps of oilfields in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The papers were dated as early as March 2001, two months before the Cheney energy task force announced its report on the Bush administration's future energy agenda.

Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch's president, said he had no way of knowing why the task force was interested in that information.

"Opponents of the war are going to point to the documents as evidence that oil was on the minds of the Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq. Supporters will say they were only evaluating oil reserves in the Mideast, and the likelihood of future oil production."

Still, the documents revealing detailed information on Iraqi oil and the recently-exposed relationship between Vice President Cheney and politician Chalabi certainly cast doubt on the Bush Administration's stated motivations for the Iraq war. 

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