Rove Mocks Palin In Fox Interview After Sarah Palin Criticizes Karl Rove For Losing Elections, Not Recruiting Tea Party Candidates

In an interview with Fox on Sunday, Karl Rove, the Republican political consultant, mocked Sarah Palin's time as governor of Alaska.

This came after Palin made a comment about Rove at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

"If these experts who keep losing elections and keep getting rehired and getting millions -- if they feel that strong about who gets to run in this party, then they should buck-up or stay in the truck. Buck up or run. The Architect can head on back to the great Lone Star State and put their name on some ballot -- though for their sakes, I hope they give themselves a discount on their consulting services," Palin stated

Palin made the comment in reference to Rove, who has been getting criticized by the Republican Party for not recruiting candidates from the Tea Party. Rove has instead been backing candidates he feels will be able to relate better to the voters.

Rover spent over 100 million dollars during the 2012 elections and failed to see any of the marquee candidates he supported elected.

While doing an interview with Fox, Rove responded to her comments saying, "I'm a volunteer and I don't take a dime with my work from American Crossroads and pay my own travel expenses out of my own pocket and I thought she was encouraging volunteer grassroots activity and I'm a volunteer."

He added, "Second of all, look, I appreciate encouragement I ought to go home to Texas and run for office and, it would be news if I did to have her support. But I don't think I'm a good candidate -- a kind of balding, fat guy. And second, if I did run for office and win, I would serve out my term and I wouldn't leave office midterm."

Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska in 2009 after her failed run at becoming Vice President alongside John McCain. She was only half way through her first term in office.

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