Tim Tebow Offered Arena Football League Team Slot If NFL Won't Have Him: Orlando Predators Owner Says A 'Contract Is Waiting For Him'

If Tim Tebow's days in the NFL are over, a job in the Arena Football League is reportedly waiting for him. 

The Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday that the Orland Predators are interested in making Tim Tebow their quarterback in 2013.

"Tim would certainly want to first exhaust his opportunities in the NFL, but we'd love to have him," Orlando Predators owner Brett Bouchy told the Orlando Sentinel. "I think he would definitely improve as a quarterback in our league.

The two-time national champion was traded to the New York Jets last year. Tebow completed six passes and had zero touchdowns in season that he contributed the most through special teams, not at quarterback.

It has been rumored since the conclusion of the 2012 NFL season that the Jets would either trade or release the former Heisman Trophy winner. If Tebow decides to make the move to the AFL and play around the area where he grew up in Jacksonville, Fla., he wouldn't be the only NFL player to do so.

The two-time former MVP of the NFL, Kurt Warner left the league to the AFL. He returned and lead the way to a Super Bowl championship.

"Kurt Warner told me once that when he got back to the NFL after playing in the Arena League, the NFL game was like slow motion," Bouchy said. "Everything in the Arena League is just so much faster and quicker and predicated on accuracy. Whenever Tim is willing, we have a contract waiting for him to sign."

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