Cardinal Say Pedophilia Not a Crime, Durban Archbishop Wilfrid Fox Napier, But An Illness

A South Africa cardinal stated this week during a recent BBC interview that pedophilia is an illness and not a crime.

Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, the Archbishop of Durban, had made the statement that pedophilia was a “disorder” that needed to be treated, during BBC Radio 5 with Stephen Nolan.

"From my experience, pedophilia is actually an illness. It's not a criminal condition, it's an illness," he said.

In the interview he made a reference of two priests who became pedophiles after being abused a children.

"Now don't tell me that those people are criminally responsible like somebody who chooses to do something like that,” he said. “I don't think you can really take the position and say that person deserves to be punished. He was himself damaged."

"What do you do with disorders? You've got to try and put them right," he added. "If I -- as a normal being -- choose to break the law, knowing that I'm breaking the law, then I think I need to be punished."

Napier’s remarks were said to be insensitive by victims’ rights groups and others that are critical of the Catholic Church’s response to their ongoing child sex abuse scandals.

Napier went on Twitter to defend himself.

"I apologize sincerely and unreservedly to all who were offended by the botched interview, and especially to those who have been abused and need every help and support that the Church can give,” Napier said in a statement released to the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference on Monday. "Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime among other things because of the damage it does to the child. In that concern I include the abused who has become an abuser."

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