56 People Killed in Iraq Anniversary Bombing

Tuesday morning marked the 10th anniversary of the United States led invasion of Iraq. The anniversary was marked by a series of bombings in Baghdad killing at least 56 people and injuring over 200.

The Iraq anniversary bombing began at 8am their time and spanned 2-hours. The attackers planted bombs in cars, small restaurants and bus stops.

The series of attacks began in Baghdad's Mashtal neighborhood when a bomb exploded outside a popular restaurant killing 4 people and injuring 15. A few minutes later a roadside bomb went off wounding a group of day laborers killing 2 of them.

Another 3 explosions went off in Sadr City killing 10 people including 3 commuters on a minibus. 

Hussein Abdul-Khaliq lives in Sadr City and told CBS news, "We helped take some trapped women and children from outside the burning bus before the arrival of rescue teams. Our clothes were covered with blood as we tried to rescue the trapped people or to move out the bodies."

He added, "Today's attacks are new proof that the politicians and security officials are a huge failure."

The attacks struck largely Shiite communities. Shia is a schismatic Islamic sect divided between two groups the Sunni and the Shiite.

Both sects adhere to the practices and teachings of Islam but differ in their belief of who is the rightful successor to Mohammed. Mohammed founded the Islamic religion in 622.

The Sunni's believe that the first four successors of Mohammed (Caliphs) rightfully took their place as the leaders of the Muslims. Shiite's believe that only Ali the fourth Caliph is the rightful heir to Mohammed.

The division between the two Islamic sects often breaks out into violence over who is right and who is wrong?

The attacks today prove to some, like Hussein Abdul-Khaliq, that the Iraqi government is not strong enough to control the violent outbursts by the country's more radical groups.

The Tuesday attacks came a day after a suicide bomber drove a car full of explosives to a checkpoint in the Iraqi town Balad Ruz and set it off. 9 people were killed in that attack.

The previous week Al-Qaida operatives working in Iraq claimed responsibility for an attack earlier in the month that killed 60 people, including 51 Syrian soldiers seeking refuge in Iraq.   

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