Lindsay Lohan Nightclub Jaunt – Clearly Taking Rehab Sentence Seriously

After sentencing on Monday, Lindsay Lohan made a beeline for an LA nightclub, apparently looking for one last hurrah before heading off to rehab.

In court on Monday, Lohan pled no contest to charges of reckless driving and lying to police and struck a deal with the judge to serve 90 days in rehab, complete community service hours, and, of course, stay out of trouble.

Luckily for LiLo, the court did not find her in contempt for being nearly an hour late to the hearing, and went easy on her, allowing the 26-year-old actress to avoid serving jail time.

So how did she repay the generosity of the court? Lindsay Lohan drove to a Hollywood nightclub, of course.

Lohan reportedly tried to cover herself up with a blanket as her SUV pulled up to the AV Club in Hollywood. But with a slew of paparazzi hot on her trail, it was impossible for the actress to sneak in undetected. Eventually Lohan's car drove off.

Lohan is probably very disappointed she wad not able to fit in one last night of partying before going into rehab lockdown, but the decision was probably the best one she has made in a long time.

The young actress has been the center of a lot of court appearances in the past several years and with her new agreement she must avoid trouble at all costs or else be immediately sent to jail.

With the exception of extreme circumstances, such as the death of a family member or medical emergency, Lohan will soon be restricted to a rehab center for 90 days.

Judging by Lindsay Lohan's nightclub jaunt on Monday night, it is unclear whether or not the actress will be able to commit to rehab or will ultimately be sent to jail.

Lindsay Lohan
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