Deer In Trunk Not Dead, Startles Police And Runs Off [VIDEO]

Police get quite a shock when a supposedly dead deer in the trunk of a car jumps out and runs away.

It is like a scene from Tommy Boy - Chris Farley and David Spade are driving down the road when suddenly the deer they had previously hit and stored in the back seat wakes up and escapes the vehicle. Only this time the deer was in the trunk, and it was discovered by two very shocked police officers.

During a routine parking lot surveillance late Tuesday night, two Kalamazoo, Michigan police officers approached a suspicious looking vehicle behind a motel and got quite a surprise when a young deer jumped out of the trunk and ran away.

The owner of the car was sitting in the front seat and told the officers he had just hit a deer and was taking the dead animal home for the meat. The man thought they might want to check it out.

The police asked the man to pop his trunk so they could inspect the deer and check it was properly tagged.

The car obliged, and to the surprise of the officers, the deer was not dead and jumped out of the trunk feet first. The police jumped back in shock and watched as it fell over and rolled on the ground, then stood back up and ran away.

When the not-so-dead deer hopped out of the trunk, one of the attending officers, David Miller, shouted, "Oh, he's still alive!"

The determined deer ran off and has not been seen since.

The entire scene was caught on the police cruiser's camera.

To watch footage of the not dead deer in the trunk, click on the video below.

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