12-Year-Old Boy Arrested In Prank Of Phone Call Fiasco: Pre-Teen Accused Of Falsely Saying There Was A Shooting At His Minnesota Middle School

A 12-year-old suspect of a prank at a New Prague, Minn. middle school was arrested Wednesday after he called police and told them that his school was being shot up by someone with an AK-47. 

"He claimed he needed help because there was a shooter in the building with an AK-47 and that there were a couple of victims," Scott County Sheriff Kevin Studnicka said told the Associated Press (AP). When dispatchers asked for the caller's cellphone number, he claimed it was a new phone and he didn't know the number."

After the 12-year-old boy allegedly made the call Wednesday at 8 a.m., the middle school, high school and Central Education Campus buildings of New Prague, Minn. were immediately on lockdown.

Authorities quickly figured out nobody was hurt at the middle school and pursued the alleged pranker. Police did not tell the AP how they figured out it was the 12-year-old boy.

School was cancelled for the rest of the day and scheduled to reopen Thursday.

Parents, whom rushed to see if their children were okay, were directed to a nearby church. With the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown Conn. in December, finding out there could have been a shooting at your child's school sends the town into panic.

Luckily for New Prague, it was a false alarm.

It was the second such disruption in the district this year. Two months ago, a student phoned in a bomb threat, Superintendent Larry Kauzlarich told the AP. That student was expelled.

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