Russian Ballerina Claims Bolshoi Ballet Pimped Out Its Dancers

Anastasia Volochkova a former ballerina for the Russian Bolshoi ballet claims management pimped out the female dancers to rich donors.

Volochkova appeared on a Russian talk show Sunday morning and accused the ballet company of pimping out the ballerinas in order to receive large financial donations for important backers.

Volochkova claimed management pressured the Bolshoi ballerinas (female only) to attend the parties of rich donors with the expectation they would go to bed with one or two of the men at the end of the night.

Volochkova said on the Russian talk show resistance would often result in termination. She was fired from the Bolshoi Ballet in 2003. It is reported she was let go for being too fat.

Ballerinas are required to look a certain way. They must be no taller than 5 feet 8 inches and usually do not weigh more than 100 pounds. However a ballerina who has been dancing her whole life will be more muscular than a new dancer and may weigh more.

The spokesperson for the ballet theater, Katerina Novikova did not give a comment about the specific allegations made by Volochkova. However ABC news reports Novikova saying,

"I don't know yet it the management has decided on how to react to everything that was said in the show."

The claims of pimping out the Bolshoi ballerinas come just a few months after the theater's artistic director was violently attacked.

Sergei Filin was drenched with sulfuric acid by Pavel Dmitrichenko a star dancer with the Bolshoi ballet. Police in Moscow arrested Dmitrichenko along with two other men after he confessed to planning the January 17 attack.

In a video released by the Russian police Dmitrichenko admits, "I organized that attack but not to the extent that it occurred." He did not however offer a motive.

It is possible the attack on Filin had something to do with Dmitrichenko's girlfriend. The girlfriend is also a ballerina with the Bolshoi ballet but has reportedly been denied major roles by Filin.

Sergei Filin suffered burns to both eyes and is recovering in a hospital in Germany. There is no word on whether or not the police will investigate the ballerina pimping claim made by Anastasia Volochkova.

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