Bart Simpson In Court Before Judge Named ‘Mr. Burns’ In Real Life! 'Proceed As Any Other Criminal Case'

A man named Bart Simpson is standing in trail in the United Kingdom before a judge named Mr. Burns.

Company director Barton Simpson, 56 from Eccleshall, England has been accused of possessing an illegal firearm to the Birmingham Airport in May 2012.

Simpson denies the allegations in trial at Warwick Crown Court.

"It's a bizarre coincidence that Bart Simpson is actually on trial in front of Mr Burns but it'll proceed as any other criminal case would," an employee of Warwick Crown Court told UK Mirror.

"There were some eyebrows raised when the court list was published."

The judge's full name is Recorder Burns and in the hit sitcom "The Simpsons" reveals Bart Simpson is the fictional yellow start and Charles Montgomery Burns is the billionaire that runs the nuclear power plant who employs Bart's dad, Homer.

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