Too Short Fails Escaping From The Police And There's Video To Prove It

The video of rapper Too Shorts' attempt at running from the cops Wednesday surfaced online.

TMZ reported the story Wednesday that Too Short was pulled over for allegedly being under the influence of alcohol. During the field sobriety test, Short is chatting with a couple of cops and then suddenly books it, but trips on the sidewalk and is subdued within seconds.

Short's rep told TMZ that he ran because the rapper has had bad run-ins with law enforcement.

Todd Anthony Shaw, better known as Too Short, was pulled over in L.A. for some traffic violation ... and when cops approached the vehicle, he appeared under the influence. A source told TMZ that he blew a .09 on the breathalyzer, which is .01 more than the legal limit of .08.

The failed attempt by Too Short was caught on camera by somebody who happened to be in the area.

When released from police custody, Too Short said, "I thought it was a DUI. This says possession. I'm confused, man."

Police are investigating that Ecstasy was allegedly Too Shorts. Short's lawyers denied that.

David Weintraub said, "Short was diligently searched and cuffed prior to being placed in the disgustingly filthy patrol car. It was 3 AM, the cop car smelled like vomit and was littered with remnants from prior arrests of the evening." 

Watch Too Short Run From The Police HERE

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