Reagan Daughter Lesbian Novel: Patti Davis Self-Publishes Lesbian Love Story E-Book, Says “None Of It Is Autobiographical”

Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan's daughter wrote a novel based on a lesbian love story.

Reagan's daughter, Patti Davis, has released her latest novel, Till Human Voices Wake Us, as an e-book. The media has called it a 'lesbian novel.'

In the 'lesbian novel', a bereaved mother falls in love with her sister in law.

Davis has previously written books about her parents, Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Reagan's daughter commented that she was disappointed that publishers didn't like the novel enough to publish it as a hard copy, but decided to release it as an e-book, according to Independent.

"I am a published author - 8 books - but I find myself in the same situation many authors do these days... It made the rounds of publishing houses, garnered a lot of interest but no offers," Reagan's daughter explained.

Patti Davis' previous books about being the daughter of Ronald Reagan were bluntly honest, but Davis denies that her latest book is about her life.

She told the NY Post, "This is not me. None of it is autobiographical."

Davis also said she was reluctant to include explicit sex scenes in her novel. "I didn't want to write Fifty Shades of whatever. It's a love story," she explained.

Davis continued, "Maybe this non-autobiographical novel was too much of a departure for publishers to wrap their heads around... Most writers have books they have labored over for years and long to put out into the world. Till Human Voices Wake Us is one of those books."

So, Davis decided to self-publish the work as an e-book.

Despite her parents' conservative views, Davis has been notorious for her liberal streak. She had a public falling out with her parents and didn't speak to them for years. 

As a part of this rebellion, Davis posed for Playboy magazine and starred in a porn film.

But she has matured as she has aged; in 2011 she posed nude once again for More magazine. This time, she was celebrating her body's triumph over drug addiction. She told the magazine, "The body I had once dis-respected, that I had ruined with drugs, was now my therapist."

Davis married her yoga teacher, Paul Grilley, in 1984, but broke it off in 1990.

The e-book Till Human Voices Wake Us is being sold on Amazon for $3. 

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