Mike Tyson Hoax Totally Fake; Chef Roble Ali Made Up Texted Threats By Tyson After Insulting The Pro Boxer’s Lisp

The Mike Tyson hoax, an interaction posted by Bravo star Chef Roble Ali in which Tyson threatens Ali, has been exposed as entirely fake.

Representatives from Mike Tyson and Chef Roble Ali have confirmed that the interaction was completely fabricated, and that Tyson did not send the text messages Ali posted to Instagram.

The Mike Tyson Hoax began when Roble posted an Instagram photo of Mike Tyson gently holding two pigeons face-to-face with the caption "Now Kith," emphasizing Tyson's famous lisp, according to the New York Post.

Roble then posted up a screenshot with a fake text message from Tyson that said, "How you doing there Mr. Funny man? You think that [bleep's] funny making fun of my speech impediment? You know we were always cool when I see you in Brooklyn right? Well that [bleep] is over."

The message continued, "I don't know if you're old enough to remember that game 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' but either way I'm gonna [bleep] you up when I see you like I did that little white boy in the game. You hear me you ostrich looking skinny cheffin' punk? Laugh now, cry later."

Roble then fabricated a more friendly exchange: "Alright Roble you know I'm just [bleeping] with your punk a-right? You were scared as [bleep] weren't you???? I wouldn't even put the paws on your frail a-cause if I punched you one time you would shatter like a champagne glass against a brick wall. [Bleep] wouldn't even be fair. It would be like fighting a girl.

"Anyways I want you and your crew to come out to Vegas soon and cater a party for me at the crib. Also, you're a [bleep] for not picking up the phone but I would do the same thing if I were you. Peace my dude," Tyson's texts concluded.

Roble responded, "Hey Champ. How you doin my man?? I'm glad you have a good sense of humor and can take a joke. I was going to answer the phone but I didn't because I was in shock and I'm not a [bleep] for that because you're Mike [bleeping] Tyson okay?!? LoL!"

Tyson's representative told the New York Post, "Mike has never heard of this chef nor would he write anything like this."

Roble tweeted his reaction to the huge media reception his Mike Tyson hoax has received, saying, "The Mike Tyson thing was a joke. I made it up. Can't believe it made Page Six."

It's unclear why the Bravo chef would fabricate such an encounter, or why he would choose Mike Tyson as the subject of the joke.

Chef Roble stars in the Bravo show Chef Roble & Co., which chronicles his attempt to launch a high-end New York City catering company with older sister, Jasmine.

Former professional boxer Mike Tyson in 2012 launched the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation to "give kids a fighting chance" by providing innovative centers that provide for the comprehensive needs of kids from broken homes. 

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