Britney Spears Enjoys KFC After Fitness Mag Photo Shoot

After a photo shoot for a fitness magazine, Britney Spears treated herself to some KFC. No matter where the one time pop princess goes, she is never without the paparazzi. Photos of Spears leaving KFC with a bag of take out food have gone viral.

Britney Spears was photographed coming out of the KFC after a photo shoot with Shape Magazine, a monthly fitness magazine dedicated to keeping you fit and healthy. Spears's choice of KFC for dinner is a bit at odds with the magazine she was just promoting. However, it is a refreshing change of pace to see a celebrity eat like an everyday person. Spears is a working mom and sometimes a little fast food for dinner lets a working mom relax when she gets home.

In addition, Britney Spears is a southern girl and has admitted to being a lover of junk food and Starbucks. And realistically, who can say no to fried chicken? Everybody has a guilty pleasure. It could be Starbucks, KFC, icecream or whatever you like to eat.

After her photo shoot Britney Spears took to Twitter and told Shape Magazine, "Thanks for the great photo shoot today! It was fun to get all dolled up for the cover."

Fans responded to Spears Twitter, but no one mentioned KFC to the Womanizer singer. The Sun also reported on Britney's KFC run. People went on it's website to share their opinions about Spears and her KFC.

Username medion2010 says, "She is normal. Better than the scelletons that we constantly see. She is a [mom] and all these pictures about her looking like a normal [mom] make her more human to me."

"She looks great, nothing wrong with a takeaway now and again," says The Sun reader Scotsmac.

Ste­­_a_b_w writes, "She looks in great shape here. Exercise and fitness is always better than intentional starvation. Britney is doing it right, not that she is vain enough to care what we think."

The fans seem to have spoken. So chow down on that KFC, Britney Spears, just don't do anything crazy like shave your head in the middle of one of their restaurants.

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