Ex-NFL Cheerleader Arrested For Molesting 12-Year-Old, Stating She Was Drunk & Confused Him With a Man [VIDEO]

An ex-NFL cheerleader has been arrested for sexually assaulting a 12-yer-old boy on charges of aggravated sexual battery and solicitation of a minor.

Elizabeth Garner, 42-year-old was a member of the Titans cheerleading squad four years ago, is reported to be married. She was at a party of the young boy's house, allegedly followed him to a bathroom, touched him and then even asked him if he'd "ever been with a woman."

The police report state, Garner told detectives that she was drunk and got the boy confused with a man that was at the residence.

"That's just absolutely no excuse for sexual assaulting a child," said Kyle Evans with the Murfreesboro Police Department. "If you can't tell the difference between a 12-year-old and an adult then there are problems."

The Titans cheerleader gained a measure of fame in 2008 when she joined the squad as a 38-year-old being older than her colleagues, made up of mostly 20-somethings.

Garner faces very serious punishment as she faces more than eight years in prison if she is convicted. She was released on $30,000 bond and will be heading to court to hold up her end of the story.

Garner and her husband told WTVF in an off-camera interview stating she is innocent.

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