David Ranta Suffers Heart Attack Days After Wrongful Conviction Overturned

2 days after being released from prison David Ranta suffered a massive heart attack. Ranta's lawyer would not release any information other than he is being treated at a New York City hospital.

David Rant was convicted for the 1990 murder of a Brooklyn Rabbi, Chaskel Werzberg. Ranta was sentenced to 37.5 years. A judge over turned his conviction and set David Ranta free Thursday after 23-years in prison.

Judge Miriam Cyrulnik expressed her sympathy to David Ranta saying, "Mr. Ranta to say that I am sorry for what you have endured would be an understatement and grossly inadequate, but I say it to you anyway."

After leaving the courtroom Ranta was beset by reporters asking him what he wanted to do next. "Get the hell out of here," Ranta replied.

"I said from the beginning I had nothing to do with this case," Ranta told reporters. David Ranta and his family always maintained he had nothing to do with the robbery gone bad that led to the death of the Rabbi.

For the past 20-years the case against Ranta has been falling apart. An eyewitness came forward in 2011 saying he was coached into pointing out Ranta in a line up. The Brooklyn District Attorney's Conviction Integrity Unit determined the conviction was false.

According to ABC News the police believe the real killer died two months after the murder. They did not give a name.

There is no further information about David Ranta's condition following his massive heart attack.

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