Rare Giraffe Born: Endangered Rothschild Giraffe Gives Birth in Connecticut Conservation Center [VIDEO]

A rare, endangered giraffe was born Friday morning to 6-year-old Rothschild giraffe named Petal in a Connecticut conservation center.

The new baby was born at the LEO Zoological Conservation Center, while conservation workers watched. It took its first steps just within 30 minutes after being born.

"She's a great mom," Marcella Leone, the founder and director of the zoological center, told The Greenwich Time in describing Petal. "She was very proud, trying to show off her newborn."

"It's really astonishing how a huge animal like that ... how delicately and in such a nurturing way she approaches caring for her calf," she added.

The newborn calf will mingle with a group of five giraffes, which includes tow pregnant giraffes and when fully grown could reach 18 feet tall.

The giraffes were first named and described by Lord Walter Rothschild, a British zoologist, after returning from an expedition to East Africa in the early 1900s.

The Rothschild giraffes are easy to spot because of their soft color, the giraffes have no marking below their knees including of having five horns instead of two.

Kenyan giraffe research center stated that only 670 Rothschild giraffes are left in the world. They live across Kenya and Uganda, suffering from poaching and loss of habitat.

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