Lindsay Lohan Went Clubbing To Prep For “Lockdown” Rehab That Doesn’t Exist; If Lohan Can’t Find Rehab Facility, Could Face Jail Time

Lindsay Lohan went clubbing this weekend in preparation for her court-mandated rehab.

Lohan spent the weekend clubbing in Santa Monica with friends and a man rumored to be her new boyfriend, Avi Snow.

Lindsay Lohan was at the club on Saturday night to watch Avi's band play. She left around midnight, according to TMZ.

Lindsay spent Friday night drinking in a club in San Diego. A source told TMZ that Lohan asked to be served vodka from carafes instead of bottles so she wouldn't have clearly marked alcohol bottles on her table.

Lindsay Lohan allegedly just started to date Avi Snow, who plays guitar for the band 'City of the Sun'. Lindsay skipped her flight back to Los Angeles, which resulted in her being late to a mandatory court date, because she attended Snow's band's concert in New York.

Lohan was recently sentenced to a locked rehabilitation facility for three months. Sources said that hours after her court hearing, Lindsay went to the bar of her Beverly Hills hotel to drink vodka sodas.

Interestingly, TMZ reported that the court-mandated 90-day lockdown rehab that Lindsay is allegedly going to serve time in doesn't exist in New York, California, or anywhere else in the United States.

The only NY rehab center that keeps patients against their will is associated with the prison system, and in order to enter that facility, patients must have a felony record. Lindsay, therefore, doesn't qualify.

Lindsay's lawyer Mark Heller brought the deal to prosecutors, and he made it seem like a real option for the star.

However, Dr. Drew told TMZ, "There is no rehab that will hold you against your will, unless they feel the person is a suicide risk and in that case they can hold the individual for 72 hours."

If Lindsay and Heller can't find a facility that has a 90-day lockdown, she may have to spend those 90 days in jail. Lindsay's actual sentence mandates jail time, but the judge issued an allowance to complete the 90-day prison sentence in lockdown rehab.

It does seem that a normal rehab facility without a lockdown option wouldn't work for Lindsay. She has been to rehab at least twice before, but constantly snuck out of Cirque Lodge in Utah and allegedly did the same at Betty Ford in California.

TMZ reported that prosecutors are reevaluating the plea deal to determine the next step; the jail option is still being considered for the Mean Girls star. 

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Lindsay Lohan
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