Female Journalist Killed By Somali Gunmen; Marks 3 Journalists Killed In Somalia In 2013

Two armed gunman killed 25-year-old Rahmo Abduqadir Farah, a female journalist, in Somalia Sunday night.

Somalia is one of the most dangerous places for a journalist to work. The female journalist killed Sunday brings the 2013 death toll of journalists to 3. In 2012, 18 journalists were killed in Somalia.

Abdikarim Ahmed Bulhan, the director of Abudwak radio in central Somalia, called the incident "an outrageous killing." The government of Somalia promised to take action against those who target and kill journalists. However, no arrests have been made in any of the 18 murders from 2012.

No radical group has claimed responsibility for killing Rahmo Abduqadir Farah. The female journalist was working for a private radio station at the time of her death.

According to the Deccan Herald, Bulhan also said, We don't know why she was killed but we are in shock."

Witnesses to the shooting said the gunmen seemed to target Rahmo Abduqadir Farah. There was another female co-worker sanding with Farah but after they killed her, the gunmen left. The other female went screaming down the hallway for help.

The first journalist killed in Somalia this year was shot in January. The second was caught in a suicide bombing in Somalia capital earlier in March.

The attempted and successful attacks on journalists in Somalia are often blamed on Al-Qaeda.

The government of Somalia attempted to set up a constitution and structured legal system, but the state failed. Rival warlords began to tear the country apart. Al-Qaeda is even attempting to halt aid to the country in the form of food. The people of Somali are starving as they face a famine.

In 1992, the United Nations attempted to place an arms embargo on Somalia to control the flow of ammunition. The embargo failed and the country has been in a state of almost constant civil war for the past 20-years.

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