Rock Band Splits: My Chemical Romance Calls It Quits After 12 Years, Lead Singer Discusses Break Up [VIDEO]

Rock band My Chemical Romance announced on its website that they were splitting up after 12 years together.

My Chemical Romance burst on the rock scene in 2002 with their first album "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love." The rock band became a cult phenomenon and skyrocketed to fame with the 2004 release of their second album "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge."

The Band's split up came as a shock to fans who had hoped the boy of MCR would continue to "save lives" for many years to come. That was the message the band wanted to get across; they wanted to be a band that could save your life. The boys of MCR talk about that in their DVD "Life On The Murder Scene."

On the My Chemical Romance Website there was a simple statement from the band regarding the split up. No reason was given, just the announcement and a thank you to fans.

"Being in this band for the past 12 years has been a true blessing. We've gotten to go places we never knew we would. We've been able to see and experience things we never imagined possible. We've shared the stage with people we admire, people we look up to, and best of all, our friends. And now, like all great things, it has come time for it to end. Thanks for all of your support, and for being part of the adventure. [Signed,] My Chemical Romance"

On Sunday, lead singer Gerard Way went on twitter to discuss the band's split up. Way spoke about how My Chemical Romance was more than just a rock band; it was an idea.

When My Chemical Romance came onto the scene, everybody knew they were something special: music managers, A & R guys, but most importantly the fans. My Chemical Romance wanted to express to their fans that it was okay to be messed up. Their music was there to make you feel better, and for many people that is what it did.

In MCR's DVD "Life On The Murder Scene," Gerard Way says to fans, "It is okay to be messed up because there are 5 guys just as messed up as you."

In his Twitter letter to the fans, Gerard Way says, "It is often my nature to be abstract, hidden in plain sight, or nowhere at all. I have always felt that the art I have made (alone or with friends) contains all of my intent when executed properly, and thus, no explanation required. It is simply not in my nature to excuse, explain, or justify any action I have taken as a result of thinking it through with a clear head, and in my truth."

Way goes on to say, "The clearest actions come from truth, not obligation. And the truth of the matter is that I love every one of you.
So, if this finds you well, and sheds some light on anything, or my personal account and feelings on the matter, then it is out of this love, mutual and shared, not duty.
Love. This was always my intent."

Way says there were many reasons My Chemical Romance split up; he does not blame one person or thing. He says that when the band first formed, they built in a fail safe in case, for any reason, the members needed to go their own way.

"My Chemical Romance had, built within its core, a fail-safe. A doomsday device, should certain events occur or cease occurring, would detonate. I shared knowledge of this "flaw" within weeks of its inception. Personally, I embraced it because, again, it made us perfect. A perfect machine, beautiful, yet self aware of it's system. Under directive to terminate before it becomes compromised. To protect the idea- at all costs."

In closing out his letter, Way says, "My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you.
I always knew that, and I think you did too. Because it is not a band- it is an idea."

Fans are wondering if they will ever get to see the rock band My Chemical Romance again. A lot of the time, bands will split up and then reunite after a few years. Recently, Fall Out Boy regrouped after a break up in 2010 for another tour.

For now, fans will have to wait and see. Maybe solo careers are in the works; maybe the 5 guys from New Jersey will quietly slip away and remain forever in the hearts of fans as the band that saved their lives.

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