Jim Carrey Mocks Gun Enthusiasts, 2nd Amendment Defenders With “Cold Dead Hand” Music Video [VIDEO]

Jim Carrey takes a stand against guns in his new song, "Cold Dead Hand."

Jim Carrey made a music video via Funny or Die to accompany the song, in which he dresses up as former National Rifle Association president Charlton Heston, who died in 2008. In the video, Jim Carrey mocks 2nd Amendment defenders and gun enthusiasts.

The video also includes actors dressed as peace-promoters John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

Carrey sings, "(The angels) wouldn't take him up to heaven like he planned because they couldn't pry that gun from his cold dead hands."

"You're a big big man with a little bitty gland, so you need something bigger with a hairpin trigger," Carrey sings. "Only the devil's true devotees could profiteer from pain and fear."

The reference to 'cold dead hands' comes from a 2008 NRA convention speech Heston made. He vowed, "I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands."

The Carrey anti-gun video follows a number of spats in which Carrey has engaged on Twitter with pro-gun lobbyists and conservative pundits.

Yesterday, prior to the video's release, Carrey tweeted, "Gun folks are afraid that control won't stop with large magazines. Their nervousness is far less important than the safety of our children."

He also tweeted, "Over a million ppl have been killed by guns in the US since John Lennon was shot. Look no further than your own backyard for WMDs!"

Some people weren't satisfied with Carrey's actions or message. Gary Barber wrote, "@JimCarrey How about you put your non-leathal self defense methods in your next movie instead of waving around a gun, you hypocrite!!!"

Another user responded, "@JimCarrey clearly the ability to think critically is not a requirement for fame..."

Carrey released the song and video on Midnight, Monday March 25.

"I find the gun problem frustrating and 'Cold Dead Hand' is my fun little way of expressing that frustration," Carrey explained in a press release.

Upon the video's public release, Carrey addressed the Twitter backlash and thanked his supporters.

Carrey tweeted, "Thx 4 your input 2day. I don't think I've ever felt so despised and so free at the same time. It's been delightfully. ;^}"

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