HS Senior Lifts 700 Pounds in Texas, Matt Poursoltani Breaking State Bench Press Record [VIDEO]

A High School senior lifted an incredible 700 pounds in a state powerlifting meet in Abilene, Texas on Saturday.

Matt Poursoltani, student at Pilot Point High School broke his own previous record 670 pounds and nearly beating Larry Allen's NFL bench press record of 705 pounds.

However people say Poursoltani achievement is greater than Allen's, while Poursoltani is high school senior's age and only weighs 270 pounds, compared to Allen's 325 pounds.

Poursoltani being touted to have a good college football prospect, and managed to improve his strength as he was able to lift more than 100 pounds in a year.

According to the Dallas Morning News, Poursoltani is described to eat "six sunny side up eggs" every single morning and known to scarf down two 16 ounce steaks at dinner time.

Teammates and coaches nickname him "The Freak Show" due to his nearly superhuman strength.

Poursoltani when asked about the usage of steroids, he simply replied," If you need something to help you work out, you need to get out of the sport. If you can't drive yourself that hard to come in here and work out, then it's probably just not for you."

Below is the video of Matt Poursoltani bench pressing 700 pounds, breaking his own previous record of 670 pounds.

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