Yoko Ono Sued: New York Fashion Designer Helah Namtzadeh Claims John Lennon's Widow Stole Her Ideas 'With No Shame'

Yoko Ono is being sued for allegedly stealing the ideas of New York fashion designer Helah Namtzadeh for her fetish-inspired Fashion For Men 1969-2012 collection now available on Open Ceremony's website.

Yoko Ono claims the designs, which include jock straps and thigh-high boots were inspired by a book of hand-drawn illustrations she gave her husband John Lennon on their wedding day.

"'I was inspired to create Fashion for Men, amazed at how my man was looking so great," the 80-year-old Ono wrote in a statement on the Open Ceremony website. "I felt it was a pity if we could not make clothes emphasizing his very sexy bod."

Nematzadeh, who sued Yoko in Brooklyn federal court on Friday, calls the statement a "feeble attempt" for Ono to pass the designs off as her own.

"'She's trying to put fetish in context, but since when does fetish and John Lennon go together?" asked Nematzadeh, who owns the clothing company Smashing Starlets. "When you think of the Beatles, you think of doves and trees, not that."

Helah claims Yoko's design team saw the 36-year-old designer's sketches for her company's upcoming women's line, adapted them slightly for men and then passed them off as her own.

Both collections include transparent fabrics with handprints around the crotch and chest areas

"[Yoko Ono and her designers] took everything with no shame," she said.

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