Rock Band My Chemical Romance Splits: 'We Were Spectacular' Singer Gerard Way Says In Statement On Band's Demise [VIDEO]

Rock band Chemical Romance has split up, according to a post on the band's website on Saturday.

"Being in this band for the past 12 years has been a true blessing," said the rock band's statement on their split. "We've gotten to go places we never knew we would. We've been able to see and experience things we never imagined possible. We've shared the stage with people we admire, people we look up to, and best of all, our friends...and now, like all great things, it has come time for it to end. Thanks for all of your support, and for being part of the adventure."

Lead singer Gerard Way issued his own statement on why his rock band is on the splits on Twitter Monday.

"I woke up this morning still dreaming, or not fully aware of myself just yet," Way wrote. "The sun poked through the windows, touching my face, and then a deep sadness overcame me, immediately, bringing me to life and realization- My Chemical Romance had ended."

The My Chemical Romance frontman said everything that made the rock band great was what drove them to split.

"We were spectacular," Way wrote. "Every show I knew this, every show I felt it with or without external confirmation. There were some clunkers, sometimes our secondhand gear broke, sometimes I had no voice- we were still great. It is this belief that made us who we were, but also many other things, all of them vital-
And all of the things that made us great were the very things that were going to end us."

The singer's explanations ran from the specific to the intentionally cryptic.

"There are many reasons My Chemical Romance ended. The triggerman is unimportant, as was always the messengers- but the message, again as always, is the important thing. But to reiterate, this is my account, my reasons and my feelings. And I can assure you there was no divorce, argument, failure, accident, villain, or knife in the back that caused this, again this was no one's fault, and it had been quietly in the works, whether we knew it or not, long before any sensationalism, scandal, or rumor."

He added:

"There wasn't even a blaze of glory in a hail of bullets..."

The rock band My Chemical Romance splits after a series of hit songs. Check out the video for their song "Helena" RIGHT HERE:

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