Bar Refaeli Controversy: Israeli Military Brings Up Refaeli’s Draft Dodging Past, Claims Supermodel Shouldn’t Represent Israel In PR Campaign [VIDEO]

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli is facing controversy with the Israel Defense Forces, Israel's army, due to Israel's foreign ministry picking Refaeli to lead a public relations campaign highlighting Israel's advanced technologies.

The controversial advertisement, placing Bar Refaeli in a TV spot emphasizing Israel's technological innovations, can be viewed below.

Although the blond, blue-green-eyed, world-famous Bar Refaeli seems like a good choice to bring attention to any media campaign, the selection of Refaeli for the public role sparked controversy about who is a 'real' Israeli, according to ABC.

The Israeli military attacked the proposal, saying the 27-year-old Sports Illustrated cover model is a draft dodger and a bad example for Israel's young people.

An army spokesman wrote to the foreign ministry, "I wish to turn your attention to the negative message that could be delivered to Israeli society."

"The choice of a representative who did not serve in the military as an official presenter on behalf of Israel, conveys the message that we ignore and forgive evasion of enlistment, and encourages identification, among youths of both sexes, with the success of those who did not enlist," an Israel Defense Forces spokesman said.

The foreign ministry politely told the military to mind its own business and released a public statement saying, "Bar considered one of the most beautiful women in the world and she is widely recognized as Israeli. There is no reason to dredge up the past when we are dealing with a public diplomacy campaign of this kind."

Israel has mandatory conscription for three years for men and two years for women. Military service is seen, traditionally, as something that Israeli citizens can relate to, binding society together.

However, approximately half of Israeli women and a third of men don't serve. Most of these numbers are made up of Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews who are excused and people exempt for other reasons, according to ABC News.

Bar Refaeli didn't serve in the military, but not for any of these reasons.

Bar Refaeli stated that she did not want to serve in the military because service would interfere with her career. When the system didn't offer her an exemption, she allegedly evaded service by taking advantage of a loophole stating that married women don't have to serve.

Refaeli married a close family friend in 2007 and, after receiving an exemption as a married woman, quickly divorced him.

However, Refaeli's beauty, fame and her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio won her many fans. She has spoken out about Israeli causes and has used her popularity to promote Israel.

Still, the Israeli military states that since she didn't serve in the army, Refaeli should be disqualified from representing her country because she is not a 'true Israeli'.

The foreign ministry is trying to suppress the military's objections and promote Israel's achievements, aside from its strong military. Really, the Bar Refaeli controversy is part of a bigger conflict in which Israel tries to define itself as something other than state with a strong military.

Refaeli doesn't seem concerned about the controversy. On Instagram, she stated, "You can use the clip for the Foreign Ministry or drop it, but my Instagram feed has more readers than [Israel's most popular newspaper]."

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Bar Refaeli
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