Baby Left Behind in Philly: Transit Fare-Dodgers Rushed Leaving Baby Behind at Subway Station

A baby has been reportedly left behind in the Philly subway station as a mother and grandmother attempt to avoid pay the full SEPTA fare on Monday.

Philadelphia transit officials were notified about the alarming incident as two adults were trying to avoid the full fare on the Market-Frankford El.

The grandmother, mother and baby were together at the station where a cashier punched the pass and allowed the mother to enter, then handed the pass to the grandmother, who planned to use it at another station to avoid suspicion, said SEPTA spokeswoman Heather Redfern.

However the two adults accidentally left the baby behind as they quickly rushed off to avoid detection and didn't realize it until they were together at the next station

"The grandma thought the mother was going to bring the baby through the gate for strollers and wheelchairs and the mom thought grandma was taking the baby back with her," Redfern said.

The baby, younger than 1 was taken to a station booth to keep warm and the woman notified SEPTA police and returned back to station, where they were reunited with the child.

Officials stated that there are no plans by the transport authorities to cite the woman.

"We normally would have cited the people who were involved in the fare evasion, but given the traumatic experience they had gone through and because they were so visibly upset, we did not cite them in this case," Redfern said.

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