Bin Laden Shooter Dispute: SEAL Team 6 Operator Calls Soldier's Story In Esquire 'Complete BS,' Disputes Alleged Killer's Claims

A SEAL Team 6 solider disputed whether the soldier claiming to be Osama Bin Laden's shooter was even there in a February article in Esquire magazine.

The Bin Laden killer in dispute who is only identified as "the Shooter" in the article, is lying through his teeth, a serving SEAL Team 6 soldier told CNN Tuesday.

The SEAL Team 6 operator called the Esquire story "complete BS."

"This account of bin Laden's demise is considerably less heroic than how the Shooter is presented in Esquire, in which he says he shot bin Laden while he was standing up and only after he saw that al Qaeda's leader had a gun within reach," wrote CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen.

"The SEAL Team 6 operator who spoke to me says there is no way the Shooter could have seen a gun in bin Laden's reach because the two guns that were found in bin Laden's bedroom after al Qaeda's leader was killed were only found after a thorough search of the room and were sitting on a high shelf above the frame of the door that opened to bin Laden's bedroom."

SEAL Team 6 operators in "serious lockdown" in regards to "talking to anybody" were allegedly dismayed to see the Esquire account get serious media attention when they have serious issues with the alleged shooter's account of the Bin Laden slaying.

Twenty-three SEALs and an interpreter assisted in the successful Bin Laden shooting at the terrorist's compound just after midnight on the morning of May 2, 2011.

And all Bin Laden shooter disputes aside, everyone involved with one of the most famous special ops missions in history, agrees with what the SEAL team commander reportedly told President Barack Obama five days after the men under his command took out history's most infamous terrorist.

"If you took one person out of the puzzle, we wouldn't have the competence to do the job we did," the SEAL team commander said. "Everybody's vital. It's not about the guy who pulled the trigger to kill bin Laden, it's about what we all did together."

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