Gum Chewing Study Reveals No Benefit To Weight Loss, Doesn't Curb Appetite

A recent gum chewing study reveals that there is no health benefit for gum chewers.

A study at Ohio State University reveals that chewing gum doesn't lead to less or lose weight instead it suggests that it may instead have them eat chips, cookies and candy instead of fruits and veggies.

In the study participants were instructed to chew either NutraTrim Weight Loss Gum (boosts metabolism and helps to curb food carvings") or Eclipse gum for a week before their snacks and meals. The participates keep a record of everything they consumed, the results were that, not only did they end up eating about the same number of calories as non-chewers, and meals were less nutritious.

A second experiment took place involved 44 participants to be rewarded with mandarin oranges and grapes before competing in a game. And turns out those who chewed mint gum didn't plays as long because of the taste bud conflicts.

The participants that chew gum ate fewer meals but that didn't translate into fewer calories intake. Instead they were getting fewer nutrients in their diet and about the same amount of calories.

Brett Carter, a food behavior researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle, stated the findings are interesting, however did not reveal how gum might affect people's eating habits in the long run.

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