Stephanie Gosk, Jenna Wolfe Of NBC Engaged, Expecting Baby Girl In August; Couple Came Out On ‘Today’ Show

NBC's Jenna Wolfe and Stephanie Gosk have come out as a couple of three years and are expecting a baby together. Wolfe and Gosk also announced that they are engaged.

Weekend "Today" show anchor Jenna Wolfe appeared on the weekday "Today" show to announce that she has been pregnant for five months and is due on August 27.

"I'm actually pregnant. I'm quite pregnant actually. My girlfriend, Stephanie Gosk, and I, who works here at NBC, we're expecting a baby girl at the end of August," Jenna Wolfe announced to the "Today" show audience.

Wolfe is considered NBC's beloved daredevil, a reputation she admitted in a blog post, but she emphasized that her pregnancy has been an unexpected adventure.

She wrote, "Of all the jaw-dropping, head-turning and eye-popping things I've ever told my friends and family ('I swam with killer sharks,' 'I jet-packed 30 feet out of the water,' I scaled the tallest building in Canada'), nothing garnered more shock and awe (and, yes, some tears) than when I told people I was pregnant. Just writing those words - 'I'm pregnant' - is surreal to me."

Stephanie Gosk is a foreign correspondent for NBC and has travelled all over the world to report on big stories. "Stephanie, a foreign correspondent here at NBC, spent years in war-torn countries, risking life and limb in the most dangerous places on earth to tell amazing stories. ...Between the two of us, we've seen and we've done more than most will in a lifetime. And yet both of us agree that THIS little girl will be the biggest and best adventure of our lives," Jenna wrote in her blog.

Gosk sat with Wolfe for an article in People that announces the news of their pregnancy and engagement.

"I don't want to bring my daughter into a world where I'm not comfortable telling everyone who I am and who her mother is," 39-year-old Wolfe told the magazine of her decision to announce their relationship.

"The beauty is that we live in a time where there's no need for secrecy. This is a spectacular moment for us," 40-year-old Gosk added.

The couple decided that Wolfe would carry their baby, and used artificial insemination with an anonymous donor, according to the LA Times.

"She made the first four months brutal for me ... B-R-U-T-A-L," Wolfe wrote in her first blog post about her pregnancy. "There were days when all I could eat were Saltine crackers, Apple Jacks, dry cereal and plain pasta. Let's just say I have a newfound respect for any woman anywhere who tells me they've experienced morning sickness."

Gosk and Wolfe intend to get married, but they're focusing on the pregnancy and baby before making any wedding plans. 

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