19 Kids And Counting: Duggars Do Adoption

The TLC reality star Duggar family is considering adoption when it comes time to add kid number 20 to their family. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar already have 19 children, 2 grandchildren, and a third on the way.

The Duggar family has a devout belief in God. They say that they are not going to stop adding new little ones to their family. Despite the miscarriage Michelle suffered in 2011, she told People Magazine she is considering adoption.

The decision about adoption came while the Duggar family was in Asia filming the TLC special "19 Kids and Counting: Duggars Do Asia." The family visited an orphanage in Beijing, China. After the orphanage visit, Michelle Duggar told People Magazine, "We are open to the idea of adoption and we will see what God has in store."

Duggar told People that her 19 kids have been pushing for the family to go for an adoption when it came time to have their next child. "The kids are definitely pushing towards wanting us to open our home up to another child or more," says Michelle. "They see how much we have been blessed with and how little so many children have and they want to share. We tell our children that would have to be something that is God's will for our family, and we will see if it is. Our children love children, and we all do." 

In the People interview, Michelle Duggar spoke about the influence she has felt from the children of friends who have chosen adoption. Duggar says it is hard to know what God wants her to do when it comes to adoption. She says with a natural pregnancy, God's will is clear, but with adoption she just doesn't know.

The Duggars may face more trouble with adoption than just knowing if it is what God wants them to do. Countries like China limit the number of children a potential adopter can have in their household. The Chinese government may not allow a native child to be adopted to a family with 19 children.

Fans of the show and People Magazine went onto People's website and left comments expressing their thoughts about the Duggars adoption.

Username Bcbartley writes, "It is a great kindness to give an orphan a home. I admire the Duggars for their talent for being good parents."

People reader Max disagrees, "No one should give this family another child. When you have almost as many kids as hours in the day you obviously cannot provide for their emotional well being."

The Duggars will have their hands full come June. Their oldest son Josh and his wife Anna are expecting their third child.

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