4-Year-Old Living on Sugar for Days With Dead Mom In New Jersey Apartment [VIDEO]

A 4-year-old living on sugar was discovered Tuesday by police after his mother tragically died in their apartment.

The toddler was malnourished and living on sugar for nearly a week, weighting just around 26 pounds, about half of what he should weigh.

Police found the 4-year-old boy naked and after a thorough examination he had requested a grilled cheese sandwich and a juice. He was "alert, spunky and talkative." He told police he had been eating from a "bag of sugar" as he survived with whatever he could get his hands on, as he couldn't reach the door of the refrigerator or the upper cabinets in the kitchen.

"The only way to describe the little boy was it was like a scene from World War II, from a concentration camp, he was that skinny. I mean, you could see all his bones," officer Joseph Sauer told The Associated Press.

The boy was found after maintenance workers at the apartment reported a foul smell coming from the residence. Because the chain lock was on, the young toddler was unable to get out.

The dead mother was identified as Kiana Workman, 38, from Brooklyn. She was found dead at the northern New Jersey apartment in the bedroom.

The boy, now in state custody, remained in a hospital being treated or malnourishment and dehydration.

"Physically, he's fine. Whether there are any mental problems later on ... I'm not a child expert," Police Director Daniel Zieser said.

Police believe the mother died of natural causes and does not suspect of foul play. Authorities are waiting for the autopsy from the Union County Medical Examiner's officer to determine the exact time and cause of death.

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