Worst Field Trip Ever: Girl Hit By Arrow Outside Science Museum [VIDEO]

A field trip to the science museum did not go as expected for the 8-year-old girl hit by an arrow and rushed to the hospital.

Nadine Hairston was on an outing to the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berekely with her third grade class on Tuesday when she was suddenly hit by an arrow that came out of nowhere.

She was playing on a large fin whale sculpture with some friends outside the museum before going inside when she was struck in the leg. "She was sliding down the whale and she felt a shock in her left leg so jumped off and tried to run, but she couldn't run," her mother, Alicia Hairston told the local ABC news. "She cried a little bit and calmed down right away. Everyone said she was pretty calm for what had happened."

Brave is more like it. Nadine was rushed to the children's hospital in Oakland with a 20-inch arrow through her left thigh. Fortunately for her, the arrow managed to avoid all the major blood vessels and she is expected to make a complete recovery.

The girl hit by the arrow, did however, have to undergo surgery to remove the weapon from her leg.

She spent the night with her parents in the hospital for observations, and will eventually fully heal from the bizarre incident.

Police scoured the surrounding area looking for the source of the arrow and trying to hunt down the archer. They found another arrow and the bottom of a hill nearby, but there was no other evidence linking it to a suspect at this time.

They believe the archer was an adult of average height.

Police also searched neighboring homes uphill from the museum, many of which have a direct view of the whale sculpture from their back decks.

Fliers with a picture of the arrow were distributed around the area to gather more information from the public. Officials say they hope whoever hit the girl with the arrow will come forward.

"It's certainly possible that it might just be an accident - a careless accident at the very least - but it also could be considered a violent felony," said Sgt. Andrew Tucker from the UC Berkeley Police.

Certainly a unique class field trip for Nadine Hairston, the girl hit by an arrow outside the science museum.

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