Beyoncé Shows Support For Gay Marriage On Instagram, Tumblr; Queen Bey Posts Red Equal Sign Logo, Handwritten Note

Beyoncé showed her support for gay marriage with posts on her Tumblr and Instagram on Wednesday.

Beyoncé posted a picture of a handwritten note on red paper with a variation of her signature song "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)" written on it.

Beyoncé's note reads, "If you like it you should be able to put a ring on it #wewillunite4marriageequality! B." The picture on Instagram was liked more than 220,000 times in 24 hours.

Beyoncé's support for gay marriage rights mirror those of her husband Jay-Z. The rapper has previously likened the issue of marriage equality to being racist against African Americans.

"I've always thought it as something that was still holding the country back. What people do in their own homes is their business and you can choose to love whoever you love. That's their business. It's no different than discriminating against blacks. It's discrimination, plain and simple," he told CNN.

Earlier this week, Beyoncé wrote on Instagram, "it's about time #equality#prop8#marriageislove show your support!" posting a picture of the red and pink equal sign that has gone viral this week.

The equal sign on a red background logo is a variation of the Human Rights Campaign's bright yellow and blue logo, according to LA Times. The organization repurposed the symbol with red and pink, representing the colors of love, the AP reported.

Other celebrities have come forward this week supporting gay marriage, as the Supreme Court debates two influential cases, the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8, to determine whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Martha Stewart and George Takei have reposted the equal sign emblem. Ben Affleck, Padma Lakshmi, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ricky Martin and Kristin Bell have all released messages supporting gay marriage.

Kristin Bell tweeted, "Today, the Supreme Court is hearing 1 of the most important cases in history. Don't sleep on it. Equality matters." Bell has vowed not to marry long-time boyfriend and fiancé Dax Shepherd until gay marriage becomes legal nationally.

Even President Obama has made a stand in support of marriage equality, tweeting that people should "reach up and close that gap."

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