Lindsay Lohan Triangles Tattoo Explained; Lohan Steals Jewelry from 'Anger Management' Set, Jets To Brazil, Hides Under Table

Lindsay Lohan revealed the meaning of her triangles tattoo on Wednesdy, March 27. Soon after the NY Post published the tattoo story, allegations surfaced that Lindsay stole jewelry and other items from the set of Anger Management to go clubbing. She was spotted clubbing in Brazil and avoiding photographers by hiding under a table.

The triangle tattoo is located on Lindsay Lohan's arm, above the words "what dreams may come." The words caption an image of a red, double-lined triangle. The quotation is from Shakespeare's famous play Hamlet.

According to the NY Post, Lohan got the tattoo with Liam McMuallan, a close friend. The ink allegedly symbolizes a "deep spiritual bond." A source told the newspaper that the tattoo represents their hearts and souls and inspires them to "follow their dreams."

The source explained, "Liam and Lindsay got matching tattoos in a private, secret, spiritual ceremony... The triangles represent danger and hazards, and the two spiritual energies inside each other. It represents their souls and hearts, and the dangers out there, and that they must follow their dreams."

Unfortunately, the tattoo doesn't seem to be protecting Lohan from 'dangers', as she has recently made headlines for a slew of legal issues, including a car accident and breaking parole.

Lohan has also been having financial problems, to the extent that Charlie Sheen recently lent her money to pay off back taxes. Sheen also asked her to guest-star on his successful show Anger Management.

All did not go smoothly at the filming this week, according to TMZ. Lohan allegedly stole jewelry and wardrobe items from the set. Lindsay, according to a source from the show, decided she was going clubbing one night, and stole a bracelet, necklace, earrings, pants and shoes from the wardrobe department. Show staff members allegedly applauded when Lohan finished filming and left the set, claiming she was a "nightmare" to work with.

Lindsay then flew to Brazil on Thursday, March 28 for a promotional campaign for John John Denim that will allegedly net her $100,000.

Lohan did go clubbing after her promotional appearances in Brazil were complete, but it's unclear whether or not she wore the stolen items out. At the club, things continued to fall apart for the Mean Girls star. Lohan allegedly refused to take photos with other clubbers when they asked. Instead, she hid under a table where she was captured by photographers.

Lohan is scheduled to return to New York City on Monday before attending the Coachella music festival in California.

She will then have to fulfill her 90-day rehab sentence, stemming from a probation violation.

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Lindsay Lohan
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