Savannah Guthrie Flips Off Matt Lauer? 'Today' Hosts Say It Was Her Index Finger [VIDEO/PHOTO]

Did Savannah Guthrie flip off Matt Lauer on "Today" show this morning?

During a segment when demonstrating vacuums during Friday's episode Lauer joked, "By the way, this is the first time Savannah has ever used a vacuum." Then it seemed that Guthrie flipped him off as she swung her finger up in Lauer's direction.

The incident was quickly taken to Twitter and Facebook sparking a discussion on whether Guthrie flips off Laure on live TV. #Fingergate started trending and after fans and viewers began examine the evidence more closely, it appears that she may be using her index finger.

Guthrie defended the move quickly on Tiwtter, claiming that she had only thrown Lauer her index finger.

Guthrie went to poke fun at what she termed "faux controversy" after the show, retweeting Lauer's joke that he had "stormed out" of the office in anger.

Take a look at the video below and decide for yourself.

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matt lauer
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