Jim Carrey eBay Photo Auction Yanked Then Reverses Decision

Jim Carrey's eBay auction of autographed photo proceeds was shared to be used to buy a firearm.

An eBay user "astrobuzz" listed an item titled "Jim Carrey Autographed 8x10 Photo So I can Afford a Gun!" The bidding price soared to $860 and attracted a lot of negative attention as well.

Then the description of the autograph mysteriously lost references to guns which read, "I'm selling this Jim Carrey autographed B&W photo (mint condition) for purposes I cannot explain because it might be against eBay's Terms & Conditions." The same change went for all other similar listings.

After the auction was squashed by eBay, a spokesperson on Friday emailed The Hollywood Reporter, "The listing complied with eBay's policies and was removed in error. Following the removal, eBay reinstated the listing and all fees were credited back to the seller. We apologize for the error and the inconvenience to the seller."

Carrey shared on Twitter to speak out against the eBay trend, "A lot of the autographs you'll buy 4 guns online r fakes.Jokes on both buyer and seller.Not to mention the karma.Your luck will be bad. ;^)."

He continues, "This shower of bile isn't abt me.I tapped into your feelings of powerlessness n openned up a reservoir it took yrs to fill. Let it rain! ;^] 154 BULLETS FIRED AT SANDY HOOK! 2 handguns n a bushmaster rifle on Lanza. 1600 rnds of amo at his house. WE MUST STOP THIS!! ;^"

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