Tensions With North Korea Rises As US sends jets to S Korea for Military Exercise

On Sunday the US sent F-22 Stealth Fighter jets to S Korea for military training purposes. The jets were sent in an attempt to show North Korea the US is serious in its promise to support and protect S Korea.

Tensions between North and South Korea have been on the rise with North Korea declaring a state of war against S Korea on Saturday. The declaration of war is seen largely as rhetoric by the rest of the world. North Korea has made similar threats in the past with no follow up.

The President of S Korea is taking these recent threats very seriously. The new leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un is young and inexperienced. Recent news reports suggest the young dictator may back up his threats with military action in order to prove himself as strong a leader as his father.

In February 2013 North Korea's Kim Jong Un broke a sanction from the United Nations when he conducted nuclear bomb tests. The move was followed by threats against the United States and S Korea.

In a statement released by KCNA the Korean Central News Agency Kin Jong Un said, "From this moment, the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army will be putting in combat duty posture No. 1 all field artillery units including long-range artillery strategic rocket units that will target all enemy objects in U.S. invasionary bases on its mainland, Hawaii and Guam."

That statement came after North Korea moved all its military artillery into combat ready positions in late March.

The United States was not about to sweep those threats under the rug. On Thursday the United States flew 2 B-2 spirit bombers over S Korea in another exercise drill and show of strength against the North. The US then followed up by sending the F-22 Stealth Fighter jets to S Korea on Sunday. There is no word on how many fighter jets the US sent to S Korea.

The US military command in S Korea released a statement saying "North Korea will achieve nothing by threats or provocations, which will only further isolate North Korea and undermine international efforts to ensure peace and stability in Northeast Asia."

Pope Francis I called for peace on the Korean peninsula during his Easter Sunday mass. Speaking in Italian the Pope called for a "renewed spirit of reconciliation" between the North and South Koreans.

KNCA also reported the North Korean dictator wants to "put the warmongers into the iron-pot of hell as early as possible." The warmongers referring to the US and S Korea.

North and South Korea have technically been at war since 1950. The Korean War ended in a truce not peace in 1953. For years the North has been threatening to start the war up again.

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