Princeton Alumna Susan Patton Urges Female Students To Act Stupid and Find a Husband

Susan Patton is a Princeton University Alumna. She wrote an opinion letter and submitted it to the University's newspaper The Daily Princetonian. The letter has since gone viral and has sparked outrage from feminists and college students alike.

In her letter, Alumna Patton says she attended a Women and Leadership conference on campus. During the conference she and her panel were there to give the Princeton women career advice. In the letter, Susan Patton says the conference took a turn from career advice to advice on finding the right man to marry.

It is the opinion of the Princeton Alumna that finding the right man to marry should be the focus of current undergraduate students attending the university.

"For most of you the cornerstone of your future and happiness will be inextricably linked to the man you will marry, and you will never again have this concentration of men who are worthy of you."

Patton then goes on to describe her two sons also fellow Princetonians. She says her eldest son married a Princeton classmate and her younger son currently a junior at Princeton and "the universe of women he can marry is limitless."

The Princeton Alumna then goes on to describe how men prefer a younger, less intelligent bride. She encourages the Princeton women to act less intelligent then their male counterparts. Her reasoning is that men prefer women who are intellectually inferior as brides.

Alumna Patton tells the Princeton women to act stupid, but not to marry a man inferior to the intelligence of a woman educated at Princeton University.

"Men regularly marry women who are younger, less intelligent [and] less educated," Patton said. "It is amazing how forgiving men can be about a woman's lack of erudition, if she is exceptionally pretty."

In her letter, which sounds more and more like a mother's attempt to get her son married, Patton goes on to tell the Princeton women once they graduate they will not meet many men who are their intellectual equal. The Princeton Alumna also says a woman "should not marry men who aren't at least their intellectual equal."

Susan Patton finishes the letter by saying if she had daughters, she would give them this same advice. She then subtly mentions to the Princeton women that if they do not come out of the University with a ring on their finger, it is probably their own fault.

Susan Patton tells the Princeton women, "Maybe you should have been a little nicer to these guys when you were freshmen."

The letter Princeton Alumna Susan Patton submitted to the Daily Princetonian has since gone viral. Students from Princeton University and others who have read the letter have submitted strong opinions about Susan Patton's advice to women.

Patton is receiving both support and condemnation for her opinions.

Elliot Stamler left a comment on the Daily News website saying, "Ms. Patton certainly is talking sense as regards to women not marrying down intellectually. The fact is the more similarities between a man and woman, the higher the chance for marital success."

Username "Catspaw" posted on, "If you are intelligent and successful, you will meet other intelligent people at work, industry, alumni functions, etc. You don't have to make such a major life decision by age 22."

Jill Dolan is a professor of gender studies at Princeton University. She submitted a response letter to the University newspaper calling Patton's advice to women "a shame."

Susan Patton graduated Princeton University in 1977. She was among the first group of women to graduate from the Ivy League university.

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