North Carolina Man Faces Backlash After He Tattoos Dog

Facebook has erupted with angry comments after Ernesto Rodriguez posted pictures of his tattooed dog.

In his unlicensed basement tattoo parlor Rodriquez tattooed the name "Duchess" on the underbelly of his pit bull puppy. Rodriguez felt the dog tattoo was his business and said it is a common practice where he comes from.

The dog tattoo did not violate any animal cruelty laws but the man's basement tattoo shop was closed down since it was operating without a permit.  Rodriquez say says that he tattooed his dog for identification purposes only.

He also said Duchess was in no pain because she was asleep as he inked her. Despite the fact that Rodriquez did not break any laws some animal activists feel what he did was cruel.

Rodriquez told Fox News he had taken his dog Duchess to the veterinarian in order to have her ears clipped. He says he decided to tattoo the dog when she was returned to him from the vet since she was still asleep.

Ear clipping is a medical procedure performed on dogs in order to get their ears to stand erect. The surgery involves removing a piece of the dog's ears in order to force the cartilage to stand up right.

Caleb Scott is an animal activist; he was interviewed by Fox News and believes there is something odd about Rodriguez's story.

"Usually when you pick up a dog or cat they're already awake after the procedure. They don't usually hand you over a dog that's asleep. On [Rodriguez's] first Facebook post he said he was bored and tattooing. I think now he's backpedaling saying he's identifying it."

Ernesto Rodriguez believes he has done nothing wrong. He says it is his business and will likely tattoo any future dog he owns.

Despite his mind your own business attitude people all over the Internet sounded off about the man who tattoos his dogs. People are both for and against the owner tattoing his dog.

"Dark Angle NYC" posted on, "I swear humans love to control everything and what they can't control they destroy. What in the hell would make this SOB tat this poor animal?"

An unnamed post on the Daily Mail website says, "The tattoo (design and execution) is not fit for a dog."

Other people agree with Rodriguez and say that people should mind their own business.

Ron Spicer went on Facebook and posted, "Another story of "goody two shoe" people butting into what some one else does. Hate to say it but the tattoo was nothing compared to the cropped ears and tails done to dogs. But that is a normal accepted process. Oh and do not for get tattoo on animals is nothing new either."

Linda Weiland also commented on Facebook saying, "Tattoos were used to ID dogs before the microchip came out. My dogs fell asleep when they were being done."

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