Russian Troops to Afghanistan? Kremlin Considering The Option Confirms Rumor

Russian troops to Afghanistan, is the latest rumors, however now after the Soviet left in defeat almost a quarter century ago, it seems Russian Kremlin to confirm the rumors.

Russian troops may return to Afghanistan to establish "maintenance bases" of Russian-made military equipment after NATO winds down operations there next year.

"It is important to maintain the weapon systems and military equipment of the Afghan armed forces in a serviceable state," Sergei Koshelev, head of the Russian defense ministry's international cooperation department last week.

Koshelev says Moscow is worried "that any escalation of the situation in Afghanistan after NATO troops pull out in 2014 could have a negative impact on the security of both Russia and other European nations."

However some Russian military experts say the new engagement will be limited to commercial obligations and will absolutely not involve any active military role.

"Someone has to help the Afghan people build a peaceful life. They've known nothing but weapons and war for so long," says Oleg Tikhonov, deputy head of the Injured Afghan War Veterans in Sverdlovsk region, western Siberia.

"But Russia must never repeat its past mistakes. There cannot again be any Russian troops in Afghanistan. After the past, it would be impossible to explain why Russian boys are dying there. You cannot do such things without the people's consent," he adds.

The other countries are doing the opposite, as Obama administration is putting their efforts to wind down US in Afghanistan. Even plans to pull out the 1,500 Australian soldiers on mission before the end of 2013.

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