The World Highlights Autism Awareness Day 2013, UN Urges Early Interventions For People With Autism

As the world highlight’s Autism Awareness Day 2013, the U.N. is stepping up its call to for early intervention for individuals with autism. According to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, early interventions can help people on the autism spectrum reach significant gain in their abilities. The world leader urges international attention to autism and other developmental disorders.

“Now is the time to work for a more inclusive society, highlight the talents of affected people and ensure opportunities for them to realize their potential,” Mr. Ban said Tuesday.

In his message for the globally observed event, which is marked annually on April 2, Mr. Ban said that “International attention is essential to address stigma, lack of awareness and inadequate support structures.”

Autism is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills and social interactions as well as in restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior.

In her video message celebrating the Day, Ban Soon-taek, the Secretary-General’s wife, noted the U.N.’s commitment to raising awareness about autism.

“Let us continue to work hand-in-hand with affected individuals which strengthens their lives and helps society as a whole,” said Mrs. Ban.

Two panel discussions will take place today in New York to celebrate the abilities of people with autism. In addition to scholars and civil society representatives, the panels will feature Neal Katz, a teenager with autism featured in the film “Autism The Musical” Fazli Azeem, a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan who is on the autism spectrum; and Idil Azeem from Somalia, who has a child with autism.

The UN Headquarters in New York, as parts of its awareness day observation, is hosting a musical performance by Talina and The Miracle Project. Some of the performs has autism. There will also be a film screening at the global HQ.

Last November, the General Assembly held a High-level Special Event on Autism and Developmental Disabilities where member states adopted a new resolution on the issue. The resolution encourages governments to strengthen research and expand their delivery on health, education, employment and other essential services.

The resolution is also intended to help close the “awareness gap” in terms of developing countries’ knowledge of autism and how to deal with the illness.

On May, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) will be on the agenda for the Executive Board of the World Health Assembly. It is the decision-making body of the UN World Health Organization (WHO).

In addition, the UN Genera Assembly will hold a high-level meeting on September 23 to address the conditions of people with disabilities including ASD.

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