Odom, Kardashian Charity Scam? Lamar Odom, Khloe Kardashian’s “Cathy’s Kids” Cancer Charity Gives No Money To Cancer Research

Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian could be involved in a charity scam, since "Cathy's Kids," founded by Odom in 2004 to support cancer research, allegedly has not given any money to any cancer cause since its inception.

ESPN reported that Odom and Kardashian's "Cathy's Kids" has raised $2.2 million in its 8 years in existence and, although it promises "money for cancer research," has not given any money to that cause.

Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian's joint eBay page states that "[Cathy's Kids] was developed as a means for Lamar to streamline all his charitable efforts and focus on making a positive impact on the lives of under-privileged children, as well as targeting a disease that has played a significant role in his life, cancer."

Although part of the statement is true, part is not.

The site continues, "Lamar lost his mother to stomach cancer and subsequently is committed to help causes that are focused on finding a cure and helping people who suffer from the disease." However much Lamar has been affected by cancer, no money was given to the cause.

Not all is negative about this story. Odom and Kardashian has ensured that "funds are available for under-privileged youth that live in the inner cities of New York and Los Angeles." "Cathy's Kids" has given at least 60 percent of its $2.2 million to finance two elite youth basketball travel teams, according to Yahoo.

Interestingly, a different Cathy's Kids eBay page makes no mention of cancer, and explicitly states the purpose of raising money to purchase "educational tools such as books and computers, mentoring and tutoring services and recreational opportunities" for underprivileged youth.

Khloe Kardashian is involved in Lamar Odom's pet project beyond being a pretty face on the logo; she actively auctions off her clothes and accessories to "benefit Cathy's Kids, a Lamar Odom Foundation," according to her page.

Representatives from Odom and Kardashian haven't commented on why the charity publicly commits to support for cancer research while secretly giving money to different causes. 

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Lamar Odom
Khloe Kardashian
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