Man Sues Cat Owner After Unprovoked Cat Attack

William Baxter is suing cat owner Christine Bobak Baxter (possibly his former wife) for injuries he sustained when the cat attacked him. Baxter was house sitting for Christine in April 2011 when the unprovoked cat attack occurred.

The man suing the cat owner sustained a bite to his ring finger and scratches up and down his arms. Baxter is suing Christine for $100,000.

The house cat attacked the man while he was house sitting in April of 2011. According to the Chicago Sun Times William Baxter's Facebook page says he is married to Christine Bobak Baxter. The current marital situation for the Baxter's is unknown. It is understandable to assume that the couple is separated and living apart if Christine Baxter asked William to house sit for her.

According to the Mokena Patch the man was attempting to feed the cat when it suddenly attacked him. Baxter says the cat "without provocation, viciously attacked, bit and clawed."

According to the Huffington Post the lawsuit claims Baxter is asking for such a large sum because he "will in the future continue to suffer." The complaint did not elaborate on how the cat scratches will cause the man suing the owner further discomfort.

The Daily Journal also says that Baxter is claiming the attack was Christine Baxter's fault. William Baxter is saying Christine should have taken some sort of precaution to protect him from the so-called dangerous animal, who allegedly attacked someone in the past.

There is no further information available on the case. A hearing is set to take place on July 10.

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