More Drama For Justin Bieber, Now Banned From Vienna Nightclub

Justin Bieber has reportedly been banned from a Vienna nightclub after his bodyguards smashed the cell phones and cameras of Bieber's fans.

"Justin Bieber is no longer welcome here," the Vienna nightclub manager told the Austrian Times. This is the latest drama for the 19-year-old pop singer. Bieber seems to be heading down a bad path. A path similar to the one other young stars travel down when they cannot handle their fame filled lives.

According to the Austrian Times Justin Bieber's bodyguards also groped young female fans that were at the Vienna nightclub. Justin Bieber was also thrown out of another nightclub on March 1, when he was celebrating his 19th birthday.

The March 1 incident prompted Justine Bieber to go on Twitter to address what he claims are false accusations in order to "sell newspapers".  Bieber tweeted, "Rumors, rumors and more rumors. Nothing more nothing less...Can't phase me...I'm a good person. As long as my family, friends and fans [are] with me [you] can say whatever. We are all equal in God's eyes [and] we have a responsibility to each other."

Bieber has been getting a lot of negative press lately. First he attempted to attack the paparazzi in London, for which he was widely ridiculed. In Munich Bieber's pet monkey was confiscated at the airport because he did not have the correct papers allowing the animal in the country. Then after his monkey business came the nightclub incidents.

Surprisingly Justin Bieber has not mentioned his recent nightclub banishment on Twitter. Usually the teen is vocal about the goings on in his life, especially his negative press.

Bieber has also been getting some negative Tweets from actress Olivia Wilde. The "Cowboys and Aliens" star told Bieber to "put your f**king shirt on." Bieber has been frequently photographed walking around exposing his bare chest in public.

Bieber fired back at Wilde saying his shirt was off because "after performing for 2-hours I might be sweaty."

In an interview with US Weekly last month Bieber told the magazine he gets upset when people say they think he is a bad person. Justin Bieber says he believes he is "a good role model, but some people want me to fail."

Justin Bieber's fans seem to think he can do no wrong. His Twitter page is full of support from his army of fans, telling him they love him no matter what.

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